Sunday, September 25, 2011

Zuckerberg’s Big Announcement Of Facebook Timeline At f8 Conference

The Facebook Developer’s Conference concluded early this morning (23 September). Amidst all the hype and excitement Facebook took stage in the form of its various speakers, with the intention of blowing everyone away – Facebook quote about the conference from a few weeks back, “biggest announcements since the birth of the platform”. Did they succeed?

Let’s say, if you were living in a lively coastal town called Social Media and Facebook Developers Conference was a tornado about to hit you, the cyclone would have a magnitude of F8. The magnitude of announcements had already started making news in social circles in the form of blogs and tweets. All of them were true – Facebook Music; new Read, Listened, Watched, and Want Buttons; Facebook media apps etc.But the biggest announcement by far was the Facebook Timeline. In this year itself, Twitter also introduced Twitter Timeline called as “timely tweets’‘ to promote their tweets realizing the its popularity and huge user base.

Some Features
  • Stories, Apps incorporated as a new way to express who you are.
  • Capability to scroll through your curated Facebook
  • history
  • photos
  • updates, and more, segregated by year.
  • Can be seen with photos or even on a map
  • Apps can also plug in specifically into the timeline
Not in the least deterred by concerns over privacy and cluttering of personal pages, Facebook has had a popular notoriety in making un-popular releases that users sooner or later get used to. Timeline, though a brilliant leap forward, towards integration of multiple functionalities has been flayed with some expected criticism (both token and genuine). Facebook’s resolve to combine Google+, Myspace and Twitter into one has had some mocking the visual similarity to the Orkut profile while others have genuinely started considering the values of memory curation.Check out this video f8 Keynote Introduction to know more.

Zuckerberg, however made it clear where they are coming from – “It’s exactly how you’d want to browse through time.
And when Facebook is this certain about something, history shows us, people tend to agree over time and consecutive Facebook log-ins. It’s best to use it once and form your own opinion. The process to get a Timeline as of now is a little tedious but not enough to deter first movers and adopters. A detailed process can be found at TechCrunch.
Furthermore, Timeline will soon be presented equally well on mobile and web devices to make sure every access point is covered.
But what does Facebook Timeline mean to the various users at this point?
Advertisers will have no choice but to learn and get proficient in the new ecosystem. Content will take center stage and there will be lesser benefits from a well-ad supplied, low-creativity campaign. A valuable piece of information (from users or brands) will however end up in important timelines sooner or later. Interesting Facebook times ahead certainly.
How has your experience with Facebook Timeline been?


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