Friday, September 2, 2011

Treat Your Online Work Like A Job And Watch Your Earnings Explode

I have been trying on and off to make money online for a while and it is only recently that I have started to see the fruits of my labor. This is due to one thing. I stopped treating my online activities as a hobby and started to really think of it as a job. As soon as I started to make small changes, I started to notice an increase in my productivity level, my confidence and my earnings.
If you implement the following things, you too could see a dramatic change in the way you view your online work which could lead to a higher level of success.
1. Figure Out When You Are Most Productive & Stick To It
The huge advantage of working online is that you you can set your own hours. There is no boss waiting for you to arrive at the office and you are not stuck on the 9-5 treadmill. However it is really easy to allow yourself to drift from hour to hour without actually getting any work done so it is a good idea to set specific times when you are at your most alert and most productive. You can choose to work in blocks of 2 hours, 4 hours, or even in short bursts of 45 minutes. You can do whatever suits your lifestyle as long as you know that you will focus on the specific tasks that you have set for yourself.
2. Set Deadlines To Get Things Done
As well as deciding when and how long you will work each day, it is also a good idea to set deadlines for your tasks. Out in the real world a boss would expect your work to be completed on the date that he or she sets and you would most likely achieve it. Now that you are your own boss, you need to make yourself accountable. If you are working on an eBook, set a deadline for the draft to be ready, if you are setting up a new website, set a date for when you want to have all the articles completed for it so that it is ready to go live. This will ensure that you are not allowing procrastination to get in the way of what you need to get done.
3. Invest In Training
If you were at an offline job and you didn’t know how to do something, the company would have funds to invest in proper training for the workforce. Well this is what you need to do for yourself for your online business. You need to invest in your own trainging so that you can gain the necessary knowledged needed and work effectively and effieciently. For example, if you want to learn the skills in order to build up a network of affliate websites, then you should purchase the relevant eBook or training course. If you want to offer website themes but do not know how to design them, then you should consider signing up for web design classes.
Spending a little bit of money to learn new skills will bring you closer to achieving or improving your online earnings potential. As soon as you can make sure that you invest some money and time into building up your knowledge.
4. Remove Distractions
One of the worst things about working at home is the amount of distractions that there are. This includes the television, your bed, Facebook, Twitter and the many other social forums. You have to get out of the habit of switching on the television and channel hopping. You have to stop updating your Facebook account and you have to get out of bed! With no one around to make sure you get your work done, you have to make a concerted effort to reduce the amount of distractions or you will find that you will get nothing done which will lead to zero earnings.
By implementing these few changes into your daily routine you will start to see a difference. Treating your online work like a job means setting some ground rules. If you can do this then success is just around the corner. Good luck. 


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