Saturday, September 3, 2011

How to Hitting the First Page of Google : A Report

Google is the largest and most used search engine in the world. That’s a fact that can’t be denied. Getting a site to the front page of Google, in the top few positions makes it extremely valuable and there isn’t an online entrepreneur who doesn’t know this. The aim of this article is to provide you with a few methods that will help you rank your site at the top Google’s SERPS. Remember, should you can rank your website on Google’s very first page, you’ll see huge targeted traffic coming your way.

One factor that has a pretty big influence in getting your site to the top in the Google SERPs is the domain of your website. If your domain name contains the keywords you are targeting, you will find it easier to rank your site. Despite this, it is critical to remember that there are also other variables that will affect your chances. So when you go ahead and register your domain name, make sure it has the main keyword in it. You also must make certain that there isn’t anything before your keyword and that it’s the first thing in your domain name. If your domain starts with a preposition or any other word, Google considers it less relevant. There’s no harm in adding any words after your main keyword, as long as it makes sense and is done tastefully. Getting a domain name that is just your keyword would be excellent, but it can be hard so you know what to do if you don’t have any luck.

Your site’s content should feature a keyword density that is natural if you want to be seen in a good light by Google. Google is constantly changing their algorithm and their approach because they are trying to keep the level of search engine spam down to a minimum. If your site features a keyword density that is too high, you are apt to be perceived as spamming their search engine results. A keyword density of above 5% will land you in hot water, so keep it lower than that. The key to avoiding penalization for your site is to look at things from Google’s point of view and to give them what they want, which will result in a mutually beneficial situation.

If you want Google to consider your site reputable, then don’t overdo it on the outbound links. The reason is that every link you have heading out can reduce your page rank and pass it on to the other page, which will hurt you. An important site usually also has more inbound than outbound links due to its importance. If you still want outbound links on your site, limit them and stick to important ones.

If you know what you are doing, it isn’t hard to rank highly in Google. It will take a while if your website is new, but eventually your efforts will be worth it if you are persistent


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