Saturday, September 3, 2011

Easy Facebook Business Tips Can Get Excellent Results

Facebook is increasingly becoming the hotspot for many businesses since they are diverting their traffic to their fan page. The reason why Facebook is working out so well, for so many businesses is because it’s a social network is active. This means that the people on Facebook who log in daily are often the very people you’re hoping to reach out to. Facebook makes the process of reaching out to your target market easier and more personal, which is part of the secret of its success.

Get the best possible results from your Facebook marketing strategy with these tips.

Facebook is filled with user generated content. People are always sharing their status updates, writing notes, commenting, etc. This is pure content – as a business owner you need to put careful thought into the content that you’ll post on your page. The content on your page is what is used to attract new fans to your page as well as to set your “fan page” apart from other similar pages. Besides that, Facebook makes it easy for people to spread around your content throughout the social network by sharing it. Most people fail to properly anticipate just how much traffic good content can bring in. You can use Facebook as a testing ground to see how well certain content may perform on blogs or with other social networks.

Facebook has starting authorizing vanity URLs to their members. This equates to having a Facebook page listed as This is really important because you want people to look at your page’s URL and recognize it, remember it. Make it simple for your fans by utilizing the vanity URL feature. Besides that, this will let you put your company’s name in the URL, which is a good way to rev up SEO.

In addition, it is possible to track traffic to your fan page and even see if you’re getting repeat traffic through Google Analytics. Even though Facebook provides extensive data with its Facebook insights feature, having Analytics installed on your page may give you additional information. For many marketers, the longevity of Google Analytics alone makes it a more reliable and trusted source of information. You can decide to or not to use it but it’s a good idea, and will cause no harm, to install Analytics on your page. Facebook is changing the face of businesses, it’s time to get on the social marketing band wagon and reach out to your audience. Any business that isn’t leveraging the power of Facebook, no matter how big or small is missing out on a huge market share they could otherwise be enjoying.


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